Sunday, October 30, 2011


So the new Shah Rukh Khan movie, RA.One is finally out.  It was long awaited by everyone as the hype for this movie began almost a year ago.    This movie got mixed reviews, Indian critics, did not seem to completely get the movie.  Maybe it was a little too advanced for them with the Sci-Fi theme.  I watched it and I have to say it was actually pretty amazing!  It had more of a story than some of the movies that were considered "hits" this year, like Ready and Body Guard.  I have to say, the reason I think maybe it got some bad reviews was because in India, there aren't sci-fi movies so this concept is hard to get, especially for the people in India who don't own technology or live in remote villages.

I think this movie definitely lived up to the American movie standard and compared to Transformers, Spiderman, and so forth, it should be given an B+

Now if you are expecting a bollywood movie with the concepts of girl meets boy, fall in love, obstacle comes, but it's all okay in the end... then this is not for you.

If you come in with an open mind and are familiar with the Sci-Fi genre, you will enjoy it!

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